
Acting Dean 署理院長

Professor 教授

CHAN, Hing Lin

BSc (Hons) HKU; MA, PhD Manchester (UK)

Acting Associate Dean 署理副院長

CHONG, Kenneth Hong-sang

BBA (Hons), MBA CUHK; PhD SUFE (China)


Adjunct Professor 客席教授


Stuart Kaye

Director, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security; Distinguished Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia



Professor of Practice 實務教授


KWAN, Peter Pak Ming


Ng, Johnny Sai Chun

BSocSc(Hons) HKU; DipChiLaw UEA (Macao); JD CUHK; DBA HKBU; FCCA, CA(ANZ), CPA


Ng, Jimmy Jim Mi

DBA (University of South Australia), LLM (Wales), MCIArb, FICS, MNI


Associate Professor 副教授

WONG, Chi Chung Peter

B. Sc.(Hons), UWIST(UK); M. Sc. City Uni.(UK); M. Ed. Monash Uni. (Australia); PhD Uni. of Huddersfield (UK)


Assistant Professors 助理教授

BUTT, Toby Man Kit

BSocSc (Hons), MFin HKU; CFA, FRM


HO, Shirie Pui Shan

BA (Hons) CityU; MSc London; MA CUHK; DBA GlobalNXTU


LEE, Fion Choi Hung


LEUNG, Mosquito Wai King

BA (Hons), MA CityU; DBA Newcastle (Aust.)

MAN, Fion Lai Chun

BEd, MEd Manitoba; PhD UEA (UK); MIHRM (HK)


YIP, Peter Chi Wan

PhD UniSA (Aust.); CPA


Senior Lecturer 高級講師

CHIANG, Kenneth Yuk Shui

BSocSc (Hons) HKU; MBA CUHK; PGCert HKU; MA CityU


Lecturers 講師

HUI, Ken Fong Kong

BSc (Hons) HKU; MSc CityU; PGCert PolyU; PMHKLA


TO, Jay Sum Kuen

BA STU (Canada); BBA UNB (Canada); MPA HKU; MSc PolyU; MIHRM (HK)


YEE, Paul Ching-pak

BAdmin (Hons), BA Regina; MBA HKBU; PGDE HKIEd; MHKIM, CPM (Asia Pacific), ProM HKIM, 中國物流及採購聯合會物流師


YU, Tommy Tat Keung

BA (Hons) CityU; MSc London; FRM



Executive Officer 事務主任

LI Ka Kiu

Executive Assistant 助理事務主任


AU, Carman Ka Man

Clerical Officer 文書主任

Hung, Agnes Mei Ling